Saturday, December 11, 2004

Forgetting about Housework

Hello again. So last night I did my annual "sleep under the Christmas Tree." At least once an advent I like to sleep on the couch with all the Christmas lights on. Gets me in the spirit! Life is so hectic these days, the "spirit" escapes me often times. I hear this is commonplace, but I don't like to be common. In any case, last night I made Katie-kins a new dress! It's so sweet, but dang, the girl is tall. It's supposed to reach mid-calf, and although she's only 5, I put a size 6 bodice and a size 7 skirt. STILL, it only goes past her knees! She's all leg, this girl. I'll post a photo eventually. So I play all the time and have decided that housework is highly overrated. It just doesn't hold my attention like sewing or reading or talking with friends or playing with children do!

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