Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rach-a-bye baby

I'm back, after a hiatus when my brain went dry. I am now the mother of 2 and working full-time. I usually feel like I am one thread away from total insanity.

By the end of the day, I'm often in need of a major energy infusion. All I want to do is nap, but this is the time of day when I have to give my very best. It's the only time I have to fill my little ones with love enough to last them until the next day. Not to mention the daily details like getting homework done, making a healthy supper, and cleaning up the house enough so that no one breaks a bone tripping over anything getting from point A to point B.

So the other night I was making said healthy supper and feeding the baby at the same time. I needed some "up" music so I chose Aerosmith. The baby had a look on his face like someone was pinching him!!! It wasn't even loud! This is the most sound-sensitive little guy ever! I quickly dove to change the music on the iPod to Rachmaninoff, and wow, did his mood ever change! He was happy and relaxed. Plus, it was "Vespers," so I think that helped him sleep that night. Amazing little discovery.

Speaking of music... Two days ago I was at Dinners Ready, my trusty secret weapon for healthy family meals. I spent about an hour prepping suppers for the next month. The radio was tuned to an '80's station, and I tell ya, every song brought be back to some very specific high school era memories. Remembering those days of yore while preparing meals for my family of 4 (how did that happen?!), about to bring the meals out to my minivan, and carry them into the split level home we now occupy. As my friend Lesley says, I had a Talking Heads moment.

1 comment:

Addled said...

Rachmaninoff - excellent taste.

Speaking of Rach - have you seen this?