Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What are you having?

Dorothy Parker was at a blah dinner party. Probably not enough booze flowing for that dear lush's liking. A gentleman was going to refill her glass for her and asked, "What are you having" Her witty response: "Not much fun."

I can relate. I'm sitting here with my leg elevated, and I really can feel myself healing. I'm doing my work from home, which isn't easy. I'd rather be on campus getting blown off than on the phone getting blown off. So I'm not so motivated. Still, I hold out hope that I will make goal this year. Please, God, I want to make goal so much!!! But still, I feel like I have nothing interesting to say anymore. My mom will call later today, and I will have nothing to say. At least when I was pregnant and doing nothing I could say, "Today I grew my child's ear." or "Today I worked on the baby's hearing." Nope. Today my bones fused a little more. Anyone want to join me to watch grass grow?

I am, however, enormously grateful that I'm an injured person getting better, rather than someone with a degenerative disease getting worse every day. And so many people deal with so much worse. So really, I'm on the positive end of things. I try to keep telling myself to have a good attitude. It'll work, eventually. Especially if I make goal.

1 comment:

Addled said...

Whatever - go ahead and feel sorry for yourself a little bit! It sucks to sit there all broken boned. Not that I have any experience with such things, but I'm guessin'.