Friday, July 06, 2007

I'm Chip; I'm Dale

My husband always surprises me. No, not with flowers or gifts for no particular reason. He surprises me with his deep fount of random information.

Tonight is Friday, which, in our family, makes it Friday Family Movie Night. It is our tradition to let our daughter pick out any movie on this night (usually a DVD, although we sometimes go out) and we are all obligated to watch it with rapt attention. It's a fun tradition that we all enjoy.

Tonight's selection is a Mickey Mouse Christmas movie. And yes, we know it's July. K chose it because it is rather short (we are all very tired) and requires very little brain power, since it is made up of amusing little vignettes.

One of these vignettes featured Chip and Dale of chipmunk fame. K wondered out loud how anyone could possibly tell them apart. My dear husband went on to explain the various nuances that make Chip and Dale entirely different. One is smart, the other is not. The not-so-bright chipmunk (are any chipmunks brainiacs?) is made to look like a hill-billy. Their teeth differ. He went on to tell us various neumonic devices he uses to tell them apart. Wha-huh? When did my husband become so knowledgeable about cartoon chipmunks? Fascinating! It was like talking to a parent of identical twins who has no trouble telling which is which, and we are embarrased to even ask which is Shane and which is Shawn, when they are dressed exactly alike. I marvel at his wells of information. This keeps the marriage interesting.


Addled said...

I'm not surprised. But such is the wonder of your husband, right?

Melodee said...

That is hilarious!