Sunday, July 06, 2008

Make the World Go Away

There are times in a mommy's life when she wishes time would stop. I just had one of those moments.

Baby (21 months, big toddler boy) was having difficulty falling asleep. I attribute it to the light outside. Although it is nearly 8 pm, we're at a higher latitude and so it doesn't start getting dark until later. I went in his room, whereupon he asked for a book, which means he wants to be read to. Normally I would be happy to oblige, but it's 2 hours past his bedtime and the child doesn't need more stimulation. I picked him up out of his crib, sat in the glider (thanks, Dad, still using it!), and cradled his precious, sweaty head to my shoulder. He was silent and calm for a long time. When I lifted my head to see if he was asleep, he met my gaze and smiled his big toothy smile. I kissed his nose and his cheeks and his lips, and he made smacky-kissy sounds in return. I whispered in my sing-sing voice, "I love you," and he sung back, "I loo!"

His body relaxed, and for 15 beautiful minutes I rocked him, silently prayed for him, and worked in earnest to commit every single moment to everlasting memory. I know it's a cliche, but truly these days go so quickly. My little girl will be 9 this month, and in church today the lay eucharistic minister whispered to me, "you have a young lady on your hands." She's right: overnight, it seems, my little baby girl is halfway to 18. Next week she heads to overnight camp, 6 days far away from us. She is self-assured, confident, funny, smart, and marvelous. If I were 9, I would want to be her best friend. Instead, I have the honor of mothering her and her brother, and I thank God every day for that gift.

1 comment:

Linda Vujnov said...

That is awesome Amy!
Great words.