Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random Sunday

1) KED is at camp, now. I didn't cry when I hugged her goodbye, only because I was still frustrated from the 3 hour drive getting there. (Can you believe the camp people don't answer the phones on check-in day?) However, I did cry before we left, and that, in turn, made her cry. There were many meaningful looks at her from me today, as I tried to telepathically teach her everything she might need for a successful camp week, everything I might have overlooked lo, these 9 years we've had together. She said a quick goodbye, and skipped off to her pizza dinner. Now we're home, but my heart is 60 miles away.

2) Last night our closet started smelling of something dead or dying. We emptied out the closet, vacuumed, and refilled it. It still smells of decay, and the smell has moved toward the hallway. Yucky yuckity yuck.

3) When you grow up in a church, raised by a church musician, and you can play the piano, God sometimes taps you on the shoulder and says He needs you for a little while. As I said in my previous post, I'm only a mediocre performer, and yet He still borrows my fingers once and again. Yesterday my father-in-law told me that at his church they will be looking for a pianist soon. I've subbed there, and it's a small and low-key congregation. With some practice, I could be up to the job, and I might even learn some organ, too. I really don't want to leave St. Mary's, though, so we'd probably go to the 9 am service, then Steve and children would stay for Sunday School, while I went to the in-laws' church to play, then they would come get me. So is this really something I want to do? It's that age-old question of whether it's truly God's call or my own will. This is a toughie.

4) I got to read in church today. It was one of my favorite passages, from my favorite prophet: Isaiah 55:12: You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. So many pieces have been written with this text, and when I was standing at the lectern, it was all I could do to not sing the words! That often happens with me and Isaiah.

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