Saturday, May 14, 2005

Katie gets it

My daughter is better at being a Christian than I am. We have actually bribed her to convince her to stay home on a Sunday morning rather than go to church. The other day, the child declares, "There are more people on earth than in heaven." I proceed to explain to her that there are only a few billion people on earth now, and many more than that have lived and died and already found their way to heaven. (Scientifically accurate? I don't know.) I also let it out that I have some reincarnation leanings and told her that in heaven there are also the angels waiting to be born as babies. She takes a moment to think, then says, "So this isn't our real home?" I shake my head. "So heaven is our real real real home?" I get misty-eyed and nod. To think that lots of money has been made by people buying The Purpose Driven Life, and there my little 5-year-old understands it all, just sitting on the couch one afternoon. I wish I were as smart as she is.

1 comment:

Addled said...

You know, I think I read somewhere that there are more people alive right now than have ever lived. It's a pretty high-falutin' concept, yes, but I think when you consider how fast the worldwide population is growing, it makes sense.

So yeah, we should all wish we were as smart as the young bespectacled one.