Monday, October 08, 2007

Warning: Grossness in this entry

Baby Boy is now on day 17 of diarrhea. Oy. There have been two "clean" days wedged in there, but otherwise, 17 delightful days of brown goo. Nay, smelly brown goo. Nay, lingering, smelly, slimey brown goo. It's so uncomfortable for him! He's been on the B.R.A.T. diet since Thursday.

An aside: I hate the name "BRAT" diet, even though it is an anachronism for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. I just don't like that term, and I hate hearing it come out of my mouth although I am referencing the child's menu. It's the same reason I do not like those wide-eyed dolls, and won't have them in my house. OK, back to poop.

So here's the pattern: Preceding clean day #1, he had had birthday cake, then two ick days and a bread-y diet. Then a clean day. This time around, he had a clean day on Saturday, and had had no soy milk for 2 days before that. Then we reintroduced soy milk on Sunday, and whammo, a major ick day today, but worse: diarrhea plus slime. It's very possible he has an allergy to both cow's milk and soy milk. Double oy. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Will there be a time when I do not end my day with a shower to hose off the poo and throw-up? Might we sleep through the night without being woken by a shriek or wail from our precious son, only to not be able to console him because we lack the ability to reach inside his tummy and straighten things out?


Linda Vujnov said...

Hey, I got your email about the braz. wax. In talking to teens who are family friends, they tell me that "hairless" is the new thing. Their grooming has gone to a new level just for their own comfort. Wow!

nutmeg said...

Oh. Poor baby! (I mean you too.) Hope everybody gets a break!