Monday, November 26, 2007

Her Opinion of Herself

I am constantly in a state of wonder over how highly my daughter thinks of herself. I waffle between being thoroughly pleased with her inner strength and somewhat concerned that the Big Bad World will someday knock it out of her. I don't remember having her fortitude at age 8. I was full of self-doubt and concern with larger issues. Not her. The other day we were walking through the forest and she wanted to talk about who she will marry. This is rare, as she finds romantic love "dis-GUS-ting." I was trying to impart upon her the importance of choosing a life-long partner, not just falling for the first fool who winks at her. So I told her that she is so smart, strong, and beautiful, that there will be a lot of boys who want to date her. "I know," she states. Duh, Mom. Then today I sneaked a peek at her spelling sentences. My two favorites:

"I am a wild girl."
"I bring delight to the world."

Please, God, may this attitude last!

In a completely unrelated topic: I just saw James Lipton in a Geico commercial! I love it!


Linda Vujnov said...

My daughter is just the same...God bless her. Now her self esteem has turned more into narcicism.
My son's team came in second place for the tourney. It was all good!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you for developing that in her!