Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Interview Part III

I was stumped for a good long time with this question. It's darn difficult to come up with deep thoughts at a moment's notice. In my case, it has proven difficult to come up with deep thoughts over a period of weeks! Draw whatever conclusions you must. Finally, last night, it occured to me. Here is the question:

If you could give the twenty-year old you a piece of advice, what would it be?

Dear 20-year-old Amy,

Relax. Be yourself, which is a fun, smart, somewhat quiet person, and that's ok. It's enough. You don't need to prove anything.

Also, don't become a teacher. Avoid it like the plague. It will only bring you heartache.

Finally, you have so much to look forward to! You are going to have the cutest, sweetest, most wonderful children even born on this great, green-and-blue earth. You will have a loving husband who will hold your hand through the ups and downs. You are so lucky! Enjoy the ride.

With love,
35-year-old Amy

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