Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today, I am feeling so grateful for so many things.

1. I am very glad I work only part time. I'm healthier, my family is less harried, and we had time to take a bike ride after school yesterday.

2. I'm grateful for the sunshine today! It was KED's Brownie's pool party today, and it was actually warm. Since I had to be the one mommy in the pool (due to my toddler wanting to play in the "bath"), at least I wasn't freezing.

3. I get to see my good friend Kara on Saturday with my other buddies, Shelly and Valerie! Yipee!

4. Thank heavens I don't live in Cedar Rapids like poor Kara and the rest.

5. I'm so pleased that KED has had another successful year at school. Tomorrow is her last day of 3rd grade, and while I have some frustrations at what wasn't taught or attended to this year, she feels darn good about her year.

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