Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm Home, Alive, Dry, and Famous!

I spent last weekend in Madison, Wisconsin with my oldest and best friend, Ruthie. We had a great, great time, and oh my gosh, we laughed like nuts! It felt so good to be myself again. Here's a quickie-poo synopsis of my weekend:

After flying all night, I arrived safe and sound. We played with her precious boys whom I absolutely, hopelessly adore, went out to dinner, and then she and I went to see Sex & the City. I got to drink a cosmo in the theatre. Can we please bring a place like that here?

Stardom. We went to see What D'ya Know at the U of W Madison campus. Lo and behold, the host picked lil ole ME to interview in the first hour! And yes, that's RUTHIE you hear in the 2nd hour playing the quiz!!! We're NPR divas! We had to fight off the throngs of fans the whole rest of the day.

Later in the day, I was treated to a tornado warning. Truly I was only beginning to get the full midwestern experience. I was giddy, they were blase. Why on earth weren't they more excited about this?

Because then they have to deal with weather like this:
That's right, my friends: flooding. Roads were filled with water, cars were floating by. Somehow the very courageous Ruthie managed to get me to the airport, circumventing the many washed-out roads. It took 3 hours. It was NOT fun.

All in all, it was a fun, warm, funny, nurturing, dramatic trip. I was so glad I went! It was totally worth it. In the meantime, my prayers are with those left in the midwest dealing with these floods. When your life is truly affected, your perspective changes. Ruthie, I hope your carpets dry out soon!

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